They call me every now and then.
Hey Kris. I don't know what to make for supper. Give me something to make.
Or sometimes the call is not about food.
Yo baby. Whaz up? I can't remember the work-out we did at the gym. Can you email it to me?
I'll give them a recipe. I'll email them a workout because here's the thing. Lynn and Cara take good care of me. They give my children rides home. They make me laugh. They run half marathons and marathon relays with me. They buy me Wonder Woman socks complete with a cape.They go out with me when I need a night out.
The best thing about hanging with Lynn and Cara is when I'm with them I don't have to bring a thing.
Absolutely nothing.
They both carry huge purses stuffed with all kinds of goodies. They will have an extra jacket, cat food, rain parkas, hand lotion, water bottles, the grocery bags you need when you are at the health food store, a needle and thread, band-aids and other various first aid supplies, money to spot me, umbrellas, a bleacher seat, a blanket, kleenex, contact solution, a hair thing, a hat or an ear bandanna thing to keep my ears warm, a tea bag, a food item to keep me going, gum to mask my bad breath (and Cara always says that if someone offers you gum, take it because they are trying to be polite), and sticky stuff to fix your heel when it breaks off.
They've got it.
Plus they are doubly delightful.
Like double-mint gum.
Anyway, I've decided to try and post something for Lynn and Cara maybe once a week. A recipe and a work-out, just because I love them and they take such good care of me.
Let's start with supper.
This week I stumbled upon a fabulous web-site called "Family Fresh Meals"
"Kris, why is it fabulous?" you may ask.
Well. I like it for the slow cooker recipes that she has posted. I love my slow cooker.
Last night we had this for supper and it was delicious.
This is her picture.
This is the recipe.
I went home for lunch and threw this together. I used a rump roast and real carrots. I don't believe in baby carrots. Have you ever pulled a carrot out of the ground that looked like a baby carrot? What do they do to those things? Anyway. I'm getting distracted.
I cut up the roast, threw everything else in the crock-pot, turned it on high and when I got home the house smelled like home. I added the frozen veggies, folded a load of laundry and then we sat down to eat.
It was excellent and there was enough for leftovers for Farmer Boy's lunch.
Lynn and Cara - you can totally do this. It was easy and delicious.
Okay, now a workout.
I've stumbled upon a gal named Holly Perkins. Well, I didn't actually stumble on her, or over her, but I did find some of her workouts.
I like them. I've been telling you guys (Lynn and Cara) you need to do more strength workouts. As women of a certain age, it is one of the best things you can do for your health. There are so many reasons why. When you have time, google "strength training for middle-aged women" and you'll see why.
Or just do this work-out two times a week.
This is a workout designed to help with flexibility. I'm going to do it tomorrow. I've been wanting to work on my flexibility so this will be great.
Okay, Lynn and Cara, are you good? Can you access the links? You should be good.
Eat stew. Work out tomorrow. Take me somewhere tomorrow night and I won't bring my purse.
Love you both.
Rock on!
Always good to have good girlfriends in our lives!!!! Love your blog.