Sunday, April 16, 2017

Coming Alive

Yesterday was a humid, cloudy, sometimes drizzling, sometimes pouring, weather wacky, day.

But today the sun is shining strong, without apology, and as it sits on it's throne, the world seems calm and at rest.

The trees have decided it is safe to bring forth their leaves and their naked branches have a slight green hue, like a Spring haze.

The grass has fully embraced it's color as if it is no longer afraid of the threat of frost. It lies clumpy and uneven in our front yard, like a man who needs trimmed and shaved after a long winter's journey.

Daffodils have popped and opened their golden beauty for their brief time around the dance floor with their Spring partner. My tulips are close behind but they are a bit more shy, not fully convinced, needing more time with the sun perhaps?

Frogs sing in the Spring pond across the road. Farmer Boy calls them Spring Peepers.

Robins hop all over our yard, singing straight from their content.

Puddles are everywhere.

Mud lays in clumps on our garage floor and on the sidewalk that leads into the house.

Hostas are pushing up and up and up.

Tiny ants have made their way into the house and party in every corner of my kitchen.

New life.


It happens every year. Winter's rest brings Spring's reminder. The old is new. What was dead is now alive. Friday was but now Sunday is. Darkness? It is now light.

I watch and am amazed. Why do I doubt when I am in the middle of winter? How could I forget and think I need more?





It is all coming alive and it is all grace.

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