Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Four years ago I got to thinking it was time to go back to work.  I knew I didn't want to work full time.  I really wanted something part time and flexible.  I prayed about it all summer and near the end of the summer I saw a job posted that looked perfect.  I applied, interviewed and landed the job.

The job is a job.  Work is work. It was pretty much what I expected it to be. It is not full time.  It is flexible.   However, what I wasn't prepared for was the women who God would bring into my life through the job.  I call them my work ladies and they have all become very dear to me.




I've learned pieces of their stories.  I've got to watch them battle illness, celebrate with them at the birth of new grandchildren, laughed with them, been frustrated with them over silly job details. Sometimes I forget that I'm there to work.   They have taught me so many things.  Kindness, professionalism, grace, strength, how to be a better mother, how to be a good employee.  Oh! They also patiently answer my all my work questions, even the ones I've probably asked fifty times.  I feel so lucky to know them.

Jane is on our hearts and our minds today.  Last year at this time we thought her battle with cancer was over.  We found out last week that her war is not.  Her family has rallied around her and they are strengthening her for the fight. We wish there was more we could do for her.   I watch Yvonne and Donna and learn from their example.  Keep going, stay strong, offer up prayers, words of encouragement and don't get frustrated.  I marvel at the love they have for Jane.

What seemed like just a job is now three friends.  I think that is the real stuff of life.  Holding hands, walking together, helping the other stay upright.  It doesn't matter where you happen to meet up, it's simply a gift.

We miss you at the office Jane.  We wish you were back.  We wish the cancer away.  Yvonne and Donna have got everything under control.  I'll follow their lead.

Love and Prayers.

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