Saturday, December 23, 2017

When You Find A Minute

It feels late in the day already and it is only 8:15am.

Everyone is still in bed although I have heard some stirring.

The sky is lightening, not sure when official sunrise was but I assume it has happened.

The house is dark, quiet, as if it needs to recuperate.

Christmas carols from our Bing Crosby Pandora station play non-stop as Farmer Boy can't seem to get enough, Christmas tree lights, leg wrestling matches, card games complete with shouts of anguish and joy, Kelli and her boyfriend Jordan talking computer and bio-medical engineering speak which I believe is English but can't be sure, Lizzy and Will chatting, laughing, singing, hollering, it all fills the house, hangs from the ceiling like our ceramic snowflakes we pin up every Christmas.

Today promises more noise and chaos but it hasn't started yet.

Right now I grab some quiet minutes to soak it all up and write it down.  I want to fill up my mind, go over the highlights so I can mark this time and this place and create some memories, because it won't come again will it?

Kelli's boyfriend Jordan is affectionately called 'Jort' by Liz and Will.

Jort's stocking found it's place.
Who knows what next year will look, feel and sound like?

So here I sit, quiet, still, alone and I can't help thinking.....

It's all blessing don't you think?  All of it. Even the not-so-happy or boisterous moments that don't have Christmas lights or Christmas carols in them. It's all grace and hope and promise.

It's all God putting on flesh and coming down to be born in a barn because he loves us and has plans for us.

His plans for me included this tiny farm house filled up to the brim these last few days with noise, lights, laughter, computer speak, commotion, chaos, and love.

More than I could ask for or imagine.

Fuel and memories I need for whatever is coming next? Perhaps.

But it's all about love which is always there even when it's not as noisy or obvious.

Precious Lord, be glorified through all of it, through all of us.



1 comment:

  1. So good and so gracious if you to share what you live about your family’s Christmas with us. Maybe my favorite quote:

    “Kelli and her boyfriend Jordan talking computer and bio-medical engineering speak which I believe is English but can't be sure“


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