Friday, May 13, 2011

Nag and Change.

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with anything but look at how cute he is.  He was so proud of his lego house.

Same boy.  I know it's not a great picture.  We've been spending a lot of time with baseball.  Farmer Boy is coaching.  Will is doing well.  I watch him and marvel.  He seems so big to me.  He has taken on a manly swagger when he walks.  I call him my little man.  Perhaps it's time to drop the 'little'.

Wait, don't blink, they're about to change.

Not great pictures but they were taken on Mother's day.  I marvel at them.  Changing, growing, becoming.  Amazing.

Farmer Boy suggested this week that I should be more realistic with my blog posts.  Apparently he thinks I don't discuss my moodiness and nagging enough.  Whatever.

Okay, here's the truth.  I'm feel overwhelmed by the responsibilities of Spring.  Grass to mow, garden to plant, weeds to pull, house to clean, landscaping to be done, baseball, baseball, baseball, chickens, cows, pigs, and sheep.  Perhaps I nag sometimes.  Perhaps I let my dissatisfaction with our yard be known to Farmer Boy.  Perhaps I repeat my words of dissatisfaction.  Perhaps I lose it some weeks.  Perhaps.

Now here's the truth.  Deep down I know that everything I nag about is unimportant.  My children will continue to change, grow and become amazing whether my garden is planted this weekend or not.  I know it. I forget it sometimes.

Here's more truth.  I can nag if I want to. He may not be pleased but he doesn't have to listen.

He'll get over it.

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