Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer Mornings

I love summer mornings. I love getting up, peeking out the bathroom window and looking for the first hint of sunrise. I put on my running clothes, grab Holly's leash and away we go.

The birds sing. The wind teases, fools me into thinking it's cooler than it really is, the sun sneaks up over the horizon and the fields seem to dance in the early light as if under some kind of magic spell.

It's been humid several mornings this week. The humidity sits down on the fields and as the sun rises, the mist hovering on the horizon reminds me of my all time favorite, most perfect movie scene ever thought of and created.
 (If you click on this link you should be able to watch it)'s just so lovely.

"You have bewitched me body and soul and I love.., love.., love you."

As hard as I've looked over the fields this week, soaking up the beauty, reveling in the story that could be, remembering the most perfect movie ever made, there has been no Farmer Boy. No stutting across the field. No man coming across the horizon to tell me how he feels even though he's not sure how I will respond. No man saying that he loves, loves, loves me and that he never wants to be parted from me from this day on. All I see is Holly's chocolate lab behind wagging and bouncing as we go.

What's up with that?

Oh well. It's all still beauty.


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