Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Introducing...........June Battles

I live smack dab in the middle of the United States. I'm hoping I'm about smack dab in the middle of my time here on earth - only God knows. I hang out with, watch, work with and sit beside all sorts of women who find themselves in the same time and the same place.

I'm impressed by all of them.

They each have their own unique story. They each are doing their thing in a way that perhaps doesn't get notice or media hype, but in my opinion is making a huge impact on the lives of their families and those who they interact with every day. 

I had the great idea of introducing you to some of them. I thought it a great way for me to get to know some of these women who I've watched and admired from a distance and to showcase some of the women who are my dear friends.

Let me introduce you to June Battles.

June Battles is a dear friend. She is a Midwest woman, born in Indiana, raised in Des Moines, Iowa. She graduated from Lincoln Highschool in Des Moines and from Grandview college in Des Moines. She married her highschool sweetheart who is a born and raised, corn-fed, Iowa boy.

Joe and June have four children; Joseph, Joy, Julianna and Janeana, like the letter 'J', and will be married 25 years in August.

Joe and June with two of their girls ready for Prom 2015

I don't remember exactly when I first met June. I think I knew of her and Joe as they are the type of people who seem to know everyone, but I think it may have been on the sidelines of a softball game, sitting in lawn chairs on a summer night, when we actually met face to face and started talking about 'deep' things. I think we both left the game wondering what just happened. Who was that person and why did I share on that level with her?

We've been friends ever since.

June's fast facts.

June is an exercise fiend.

June's quadricep muscles are awesome.

June can physically out-work anyone.

June works part time as an administrative assistant/construction clean-up person.

Joe and June just started a new business this past Fall.  It's called Jenuinely Pure. I love their products and use their hand soap, facial cleanser, facial scrub, moisturizer, and their body oil. Click the link and check it out.

June and I like to think we are workout queens and often call ourselves, please cover your eyes if you are faint of heart - badass.

June makes fun of my butt. She tells me that I have a flat butt and that when God was handing out butts, he gave her my portion.

June has a nice butt.

June is a curly girlie and we often comment on each other's curls.


I sent June an email a long time ago and told her I was going to do this. Below are her answers to my questions.

Will you answer some questions for me?
What if I have no answers to any questions? What if each day is just
survival?  I will give it a try =)

Tell me about yourself (3 important things).
I love being a wife and mom. I have sacrificed a lot to do my best at
these two roles in my life.

I work hard physically and emotionally to "GET.IT.DONE."

I struggle. I am trying to work on those things I struggle with, to find
joy in the journey, and to discover a deeper trust in Jesus.

What is the number one thing on your bucket list?
There are sooo many things I think about doing, in passing. But I
wouldn't say I actually have a "Bucket List". If I could grow old and
stay healthy and active I think that would be pretty awesome.

What are you most excited about?
I get most excited when I see my kids be who they have been created to
be. When they live up to their potential or do the right thing when no
one is watching. I love it when they shine the light of Jesus. I love it
when they discover new things about their abilities and gain
confidence at something new.

All three of June's girls.

What has been one of your biggest struggles/battles/obstacle?
My biggest struggle???... the lie, that "I am nothing special". That lie
has been at the root of a lot of my personal, physical, spiritual,
relational and emotional challenges.

What has been your greatest triumph so far or what are you most proud of?
The greatest triumph is that my hubby and I are still (mostly) happily
married after 25 years. We have had our challenges and we are
working thru some "stuff" but he is still my greatest friend and supporter.

Where is your happy place?
My happy place? I love it when I have time to just be at home. Joe and I
also found a great little get-away at Lake Red Rock that is pretty awesome.
It is cozy, quaint, quiet and we are able to do things we enjoy like
walking, fishing, sitting and talking, watching wildlife, or being in
front of the fire.

If you could give the world one piece of wisdom, what would it be?
Wisdom? Love and trust Jesus no matter what your circumstances.

Favorite recipe you'd like to share ('cause I like to know how other people eat).

There you have it ladies and gentleman. 

June Battles.

An awesome woman and a dear friend.

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