Friday, June 10, 2022

When It Rains on Friday


A light rain is falling this morning. If you lay still you can hear it on the roof.

Soothing. Calm. Gentle.

Perhaps that will be the theme of the day? I hope so.

This week has pounded pretty hard. Migraines with aura, a sister-in-law in the hospital nearing the end of her battle with cancer, lots of rain, little sunshine, work and words, worry enough to make one weary.

Sit still and listen to the rain.


A calming from heaven. A physical reminder that all our work and worry, all of our flurry, can't stop the rain. We fool ourselves when we believe we have control, when we forget our place is under the clouds and not above them.

Thank you Lord for a Friday morning rain. For a gentle reminder at the end of a busy week. May we find true rest in knowing our place, in surrendering our worry, our flurry, and our work to you.

Rain you Spirit down on us.

Calm us. Remind us of your love, your power, your ability to hold all the things, all our things, our most precious, sacred, secret things, in your loving , scarred for us, capable hands.


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