Monday, September 8, 2014


I had to stop by and say hello.

I'm sitting at my sister's dining room table. I can hear someone mowing the yard across the way. The patio door is open and outside my sister's flowers are sitting on the deck, their loveliness draping elegantly from their different positions. My sister and her husband have a gift with landscaping and their backyard looks like a park. Lush green grass, hostas, flowers, tall grasses, a rock fountain, gold fish, roses, sunflowers, petunias, geraniums, hydrangeas, all have their place in their backyard paradise.

I'm in Canada spending time with my family. My brother is visiting with his brand new baby girl.

Yesterday was delicious.

Mom and dad, sisters, brother, niece, nephew, grand nieces and nephews, food, food, food, blue sky, soccer games, pushes on swings, crying babies, hugs, kisses, laughter and love.


It's time to walk over to mom's house for lunch.

That I don't have to cook.

My sister and I walking together.

To have lunch with my brother and his wife.

I'm in absolute heaven.

Ta ta for now.

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